Lawn Mowing Strategies and Recommendations
We are constantly asked how a lawn should be mowed; tall, short, bagged, mulched, etc. While there are exceptions here is our general advice:
- Mow weekly
- Cut high (the grass should be 3½” after mowing)
- Mulch clippings to return nutrients to the soil and help retain water.
Here are some exceptions:
- During the first 2 mows of the spring and the last 2 mows of the fall mow shorter at 2½”. This will help reduce the amount of dead thatch left on the lawn from the non-growing season and prevent snow mold issues and allow the lawn to grow out quicker in the spring while also removing winter debris.
- Bag the lawn clippings under certain conditions:
- When you haven’t mowed recently and need to remove more than 1”. If you don’t own a bagger it is ok, just mow over it twice if rows or piles of clippings clump together.
- If you don’t own a bagger it is ok, just mow over it twice if rows or piles of clippings clump together. This will reduce the spread of the weeds and reduce the need for chemical controls. This is most important in May when dandelions and clover are flowering, and in late August when crabgrass comes to seed.
- Use the bagger when the lawn has debris on it; sticks, leaves, etc.
Now that we’ve answered your mowing questions you are ready to help make your lawn greener, stronger, and Simply Safer.